809 1&22號 A3:In everyday life , turning off lights ; conservation of electricity , go more public transport , to walk better , in order to save the gasoline. These are things each of us can do .
Q3:How can l do to reduce the green-house gas? Do not let the engine idle speed and Multi-ride public transportation and use energy-efficient light bulbs Thus reducing greenhouse gas 第一組:42(九班)09(十一班)
804 第一組 All things make co2,but we can also save the world by reducing. We must recycle the things that we should recycle and use more PDA's things. Take the public transportation and not turning on the air conditioner is also the way,too. It's not hard to do,so let's do it now. 25 10 1 39 32 24 15
804,34,30,第3組 Energy conserration and carbon reduction is a important's subject.Because people always make air pollution. We need to help our Earth.How can we do?First, we can plant trees, because trees can absorb people's CO².Second, when we go shopping , we can support green consumerism and bring recycle bags. Finally, I want to tell everyone “We only have one Earth, please care enough our Earth!!"
Carbon dioxide is not good for the Earth.How can we do to reduce the carbon dioxide? 1)We can eat more vegetables and less meat. 2)To buy the refrigerator of the Energy Label. 3)Wind power generation take the place of solar thermal power generation. 第5組 27,31
804第六組 1.何謂「京都協議書」? 《京都議定書》(英文:Kyoto Protocol,又譯《京都協議書》、《京都條約》;全稱《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約的京都議定書》)是《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC)的補充條款。是1997年12月在日本京都由聯合國氣候變化綱要公約參加國三次會議制定的。其目標是「將大氣中的溫室氣體含量穩定在一個適當的水平,進而防止劇烈的氣候改變對人類造成傷害」。 2.為何美國不簽定? 其實美國曾經簽過,但是他們卻覺得不公平,他們覺得同樣都是二氧化碳排放量的國家,那為何中國沒有簽呢?所以他們就決定退出了。 3.溫室效應的影響 How can we help our earth?How do we reduce carbon dioxide?The pollution are become more and more serious,we can not to sit and wait for death.Everyone should use renewable things,growing trees,recycle,save water......and more.There are a lot of variety way to save earth,but the most important thing is if we don't do anything to protect it,we will be gone!
804 25.10第一組 All things make CO2.but we can also save the world by reducing.We must recycle the things that we should recycle and use more PDA's thing.Take the public transportation and not turning up the air conditioner is also the way,too.It's not hard to do,so let's do it now.
804 25.10第一組 All things make CO2.but we can also save the world by reducing.We must recycle the things that we should recycle and use more PDA's thing.Take the public transportation and not turning up the air conditioner is also the way,too.It's not hard to do,so let's do it now.
804 4-A no.3 & no.23 Q:How can I do to reduce the green-house gas?
A:If we want to save the earth , we should make some changes,we can eat more vegetables and eat less meat,switch to green power,plant more trees...there are many things that we can do for our mother earth. Let us begin to do it right now,and then we can have a nice healthy earth!
If we want to reduce the CO2,we have to energy saving.Don't buy too much unnecessary article,don't eat too much meats,don't make too much trash,remember to turn off the light,recycle and more.If we can do those things ,we can save the earth!!!804第二組06,26,13,16,41,35,21
回覆刪除請自己寫 不要用google 翻譯機 文法都是錯的
刪除809 1&22號 A3:In everyday life , turning off lights ; conservation of electricity , go more public transport , to walk better , in order to save the gasoline. These are things each of us can do .
Q3:How can l do to reduce the green-house gas?
回覆刪除Do not let the engine idle speed and Multi-ride public transportation and use energy-efficient light bulbs Thus reducing greenhouse gas
809 2 32 17 35 13
京都議定書是為了要解決人為溫室氣體的排放問題, 並約束各工業國家未來對於溫室氣體之減量責任。
要是他簽署京都議定書的話 不但國內經濟可能會發生危機
溫室效應(英語:Green House Effect)是指大氣層透過捕捉輻射使不同的氣溫相對穩定的效應。不少研究指出,人為因素使地球上的溫室效應異常加劇,而造成全球暖化的效應。
3.How can I do to reduce the green-house gas?
I can walk more,multi ride bus train and MRT,and A variety of flowers and A variety of trees.
回覆刪除809. 25 27
回覆刪除We can make some change for the earth.
In the summer ,we can not use to much water.
第二組第一題。 1以個別或共同方式控制人為排放之溫室氣體數量,個國家須在2008-2012年間將排放量降到1990年水準再減5.2%。 2美國認為「京都議定書」對美國而言是不現實的。
回覆刪除809. 05 06
回覆刪除Eat more vegetables and less meat.
Turning off the lights.
Safe water.
第三組。 第二題。 氣溫上升也會傷害人體的抗病能力。諾是在加上氣候變遷引發動物大遷徙。 讓許多動物都沒地方生活。 屆時可能促使許多疾病的發生
回覆刪除809 23 29
回覆刪除804 第一組
回覆刪除All things make co2,but we can also save the world by reducing. We must recycle the things that we should recycle and use more PDA's things. Take the public transportation and not turning on the air conditioner is also the way,too. It's not hard to do,so let's do it now. 25 10 1 39 32 24 15
回覆刪除Energy conserration and carbon reduction is a important's subject.Because people always make air pollution. We need to help our Earth.How can we do?First, we can plant trees, because trees can absorb people's CO².Second, when we go shopping , we can support green consumerism and bring recycle bags. Finally, I want to tell everyone “We only have one Earth, please care enough our Earth!!"
Carbon dioxide is not good for the Earth.How can we do to reduce the carbon dioxide?
回覆刪除1)We can eat more vegetables and less meat.
2)To buy the refrigerator of the Energy Label.
3)Wind power generation take the place of solar thermal power generation.
第5組 27,31
《京都議定書》(英文:Kyoto Protocol,又譯《京都協議書》、《京都條約》;全稱《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約的京都議定書》)是《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC)的補充條款。是1997年12月在日本京都由聯合國氣候變化綱要公約參加國三次會議制定的。其目標是「將大氣中的溫室氣體含量穩定在一個適當的水平,進而防止劇烈的氣候改變對人類造成傷害」。
How can we help our earth?How do we reduce carbon dioxide?The pollution are become more and more serious,we can not to sit and wait for death.Everyone should use renewable things,growing trees,recycle,save water......and more.There are a lot of variety way to save earth,but the most important thing is if we don't do anything to protect it,we will be gone!
804 25.10第一組
回覆刪除All things make CO2.but we can also save the world by reducing.We must recycle the things that we should recycle and use more PDA's thing.Take the public transportation and not turning up the air conditioner is also the way,too.It's not hard to do,so let's do it now.
804 25.10第一組
回覆刪除All things make CO2.but we can also save the world by reducing.We must recycle the things that we should recycle and use more PDA's thing.Take the public transportation and not turning up the air conditioner is also the way,too.It's not hard to do,so let's do it now.
804 4-A no.3 & no.23
回覆刪除Q:How can I do to reduce the green-house gas?
A:If we want to save the earth , we should make some changes,we can eat more vegetables and eat less meat,switch to green power,plant more trees...there are many things that we can do for our mother earth.
Let us begin to do it right now,and then we can have a nice healthy earth!
回覆刪除If we want to reduce the CO2,we have to energy saving.Don't buy too much unnecessary article,don't eat too much meats,don't make too much trash,remember to turn off the light,recycle and more.If we can do those things ,we can save the earth!!!804第二組06,26,13,16,41,35,21