2015年10月27日 星期二

八年級中學生報Justin Trudeau心智圖改寫

八年級中學生報Justin Trudeau心智圖改寫
                                        Class:     Name:          Grade:
B3 Reading :   A Ji Shi Sets a Good Example(阿基師心智圖)
 1. (1) 請填入下方心智圖答案  

   (2) 請進入學習部落格中寫下你的志願 I want to be a ______. And write down three reasons.

2. 請仿寫 Jackie Robinson 心智圖      郝廣才在中視~ 情義相挺! 美國大聯盟"羅賓森日"

(1) Mind Map 
(2) 1.        What do you learn from this story?

       2.        What can you do in your life?

3.  延伸閱讀 (1) Justin TrudeauMind Map
(2) Write down five new words. (加分題)

2015年10月24日 星期六

PaGamO 使用教學

看報紙學英文 說英文

選材10/12-16/ 2015 中學生報/ design Iris Chiu

對話:A: 你們都準備了交換禮物?想想你們會說什麼?/ 猜猜看
      B: 晚上要帶他們逛夜市(night market)。請問你會

A: Hello, everyone. My name is ____________. I am ___________.
A: I am from ____________. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.
A: What is this? B: This is a __________.
A: Wow…. I like it because _________________________.  
B: You are welcome. This is a ____________(禮物) for you.
A: Thank you. B: You are welcome.     A/ B 自編

A: I want to show you the local food in Taiwan. Let’s go to 潮州 night market.
B: What is night market?
A: It is a special place. You can eat a lot of delicious food there, like milk bobble tea, steak, oyster omelet, dumpling, fried chicken, papaya milk, eat mango ice….
B: wow…. I love it. Is it expensive?
A: No. It is not. The food there is not so expensive. Let’s go there.
B: I cannot wait.      A/ B 自編

場景(Setting):上週, 我的非洲朋友來找我Last week, my African friend came to visit me.
 第一部分和七年級一樣( 改為過去式就好)。增加
  A: I bought a _______ for you. I got it from _____________. (百貨公司/ 商店/ …)
  B: It is very beautiful. I love it very much.
  A/ B自編

A: I wanted to show you our night market. We could eat a lot of different food there, like _________.
B: It sounded interesting. Let's go there quickly.
A: Mango Ice was very delicious. Let’s eat it first.
B: Ok.
Clerk: May I help you?
A: Yes, we wanted a bowl of Mango Ice.
C: No problem. Anything else?
A: No. Thank you.
B: Wow…It was very yummy. I liked it very much. Let’s go to eat another.
AB: Did you bring your money?

1. 找不到—>找到 (請自行設計) / CD組可用課本句子就可以
2.  根本沒有帶錢,請自行設計解決方法
A: No. B: No. What can we do?   
方法:1/ 2 _______________________________